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WWI Mercantile Marine Pair

-WWI War Medal -WWI Mercantile Marine Medal Named J. G. Metcalfe. John Gill Metcalfe was born in 1894 in Aberdeen. He served as 4th Engineer during the First World War. Accompanied by documentation confirming medals. Condition as shown in photographs

WWI Mercantile Marine Pair

-WWI Mercantile Marine Medal -WWI War Medal Mounted for wear, named Stanley G.E. Oatley Stanley George Edgar Oatley was born on 17th July 1888 at Eastcowes, Isle of Wight, Hampshire. He is listed on the 1911 census as 'single and working as a Mariner'. With copy documents confirming his WWI medal entitlement. He married Kate Louisa Wyatt in 1922 and died in 1972 in Hampshire. Condition as shown in photographs

WWI Mercantile Marine Trio

-Mercantile Marine Medal Edgar S. Warren -WWI War and Victory Medal B.Z. 1880 E.S. Warren A.B Edgar was born in Bridgewater, Somerset and enlisted into the Bristol Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve division in 1916. With copy research Condition as shown in photographs

WWI Military Cross Queen's Westminster Rifles

-WWI Military Cross George V unnamed as issued -WWI War Medal named Major P.L. Cockerill -WWI Victory Medal named Major P.L. Cockerill with MID Oakleaf Mounted in attractive felt and wooden frame. Including ribbon bar. Major P.L Cockerill M.C. 2nd Battalion 16th London Regiment Queen's Westminster Rifles. Percy Lawrence Cockerill was born in 1882. The 1891 census recorded the family as living at 40 Howard House in Westminster. He is listed in the London Gazette 12th March 1912 as being appointed as a Lieutenant in the Queen's Westminster Rifles from 20th January (page 1834). He is shown again in London Gazette same rank September 1914. He was promoted to Captain temporarily 3rd October 1914. London Gazette January 1916 shows him with the same rank. Supplement to the London Gazette April 1917 promotes him to temporary Major. Supplement to the London Gazette 21st November 1917 confirms him as being attached to Headquarter units. Confirmed Military Cross awarded London Gazette 1st January 1919. The Times of London 27th June 1919 confirms his appointment to Messrs. Grenfell & Company Stock Brokers from 1st July. After the War he was involved in a high profile divorce case. Egerton v Egerton and Cockerill (before Mr Justice Hill). In an undefended suit, Major V.C. Egerton sued for divorce from his wife Ivy on the grounds of her adultery with Percy Cockerill a Stock Broker (formerly an Officer in the Army.). The Egertons married June 1903. In October 1914 Egerton introduced Cockerill to his wife and invited him to his house. In October 1918 he came home on leave and found his wife seemed worried and cold to him. While he was staying in Southsea with her he found an affectionate letter from Cockerill dated August 1918. His suspicions were aroused and he tied his wife with infidelity. She assured him there was no cause for anxiety but he spoke to Cockerill and demanded an explanation. In which he assured him that their relations were perfectly innocent. In November 1918, he was deployed to Salonika. At some point he received a letter from Cockerill in which he said 'I fully realise how great my sin is...suffering to a man especially to a man, guilty of such a crime which I am not to be considered but one must think of Ivy in this respect. One thing you may be certain of on your return that you will find our lives just as harmless as when you went away.' On his return from Salonika and Palestine, he took his wife and children on holiday to Southsea. During August he was obliged to return to London for a few days and afterwards discovered that Cockerill had taken advantage of his absence to go to Southsea to commit adultery with his wife. At this point he consulted a solicitor. Mr Justice Hill assessed damages at £2000 and he pronounced the Decree Nisi with full costs against Cockerill and Egerton the custody of the 2 children. He ordered that the damages to be paid into court within 14 days. The above details are from the High Court, court minutes, petition filed 28th October 1919, Degree Nici issued 20th May 1920 confirmed 20th November 1920. Egerton had claimed £5000 damages. He appears to have continued to be a Stock Broker until his retirement October 1950. During WWI he served in the 2nd Battalion 16th London Regt. (Queen's Westminster Rifles in the 179th Brigade 2/2nd London division.) The 2/2nd London Division was formed from the Home Service of the Territorial Force. Percy arrived in France on 22nd June 1916 with the rank of captain. His address at the time was recorded as 3 London Wall buildings, London EC2. He was awarded the Military Cross London Gazette 1st January 1919 and was twice mentioned in Dispatches London Gazette 28th November 1917 and 14th June 1918. In civilian life he was a Stock Broker. With copy research and London Gazette entries. Condition as shown in photographs

WWI Pair Plaque Army Service Corps/ South Lancashire Regt.

-WWI War Medal -WWI Victory Medal M2/177624 Pte. S. M. Wynne Army Service Corps -WWI Plaque named Samuel Maurice Wynne Served Army Service Corps and Prince of Wales's Volunteers South Lancashire Regt. Died 1st October 1918 aged 21 whilst serving with the 2nd/4th Bn. South Lancashire Regt. (Service no. 32420). Son of Henry and Mary Wynne of Overton Bridge Ruabon, Denbighshire. Commemorated at Sunken Road Cemetery Boisleux, St Marc. Condition as shown in photographs.

WWI Royal Naval Reserve Mercantile Marine Trio

-WWI War Medal 5988T-S.F. LIDGARD. D.H. R.N.R -Mercantile Marine War Medal Frank Lidgard -Victory Medal 5988T-S.F. LIDGARD. D.H. R.N.R Frank Mackerill Lidgard Royal Naval Reserve and Mercantile Marine. He was born 21st November 1897 at Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. The 1901 census records the family were living at 36 St Peters Road, Cleethorpes and the 1911 census shows the family living at 99 St Peters Avenue, Cleethorpes. When the First World War broke out in 1914 Frank was 16 years old and it's unclear what his occupation was at the time but probably service within the fishing industry. He enrolled into the Royal Naval Reserve on 30th September 1916, his service number being TS 5988, the TS indicating the trawler section who were responsible for patrolling the coast, estuarys, mine clearance and general inshore and coastal work. on enrolment he was described as being 5ft. 5" in height, blue eyes, fair complexion and gave his occupation as a 'deck-hand'. he began his service in the R.N.R. at H.M.S. Wallington and was detailed for service with the Auxiliary Patrol Service. He subsequently served at H.M.S. Pembroke before being confirmed as a 'deck-hand' on 21st May 1918. It appears he was appointed to H.M.S. Ganges II in April 1918 and was discharged and demobilised on 26th April 1919. His conduct, character and ability was marked as 'satisfactory/very good'. In the Autumn of 1921 he married Lilian Turner and they lived at 43 Fairview Avenue, Cleethorpes. It is not clear what trade Frank pursued after the war. He died aged 55 years on 2nd June 1953. Mounted in a presentation box. Condition as shown in photographs

WWI Territorial Force Long Service Group Devonshire Regt.

-WWI War Medal 1170 A Cpl. H. G. Marsden Devon Regt. -Victory Medal 1170 A Cpl. H. G. Marsden Devon Regt. -Territorial Force War Medal (Pte.)1170 A Cpl. H. G. Marsden Devon Regt. -Territorial Force Efficiency Medal GVR 20099 Pte. A. Cpl. H. G. Marsden 4/Devon R. Mounted as worn. Copy WWI Medal Index Card Condition as shown in photographs- Light contact marks, better than very fine.

WWI Territorial Trio Colour Sergeant Devon Regt.

-WWI War Medal 200359 C. Sjt. C.N. Glanfield Devonshire Regt. -WWI Victory Medal 200359 C. Sjt. C.N. Glanfield Devonshire Regt. -Territorial Force War Medal 1922 A. Cpl. C.N. Glanfield Devon R. Cecil Northcote Glanfield was born 7th January 1895, baptised at Tiverton. He was discharged 24th August 1919.

Condition as shown in photographs