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, New Items , RN WWI TRIO VIC LS TYACK scaled, Bygones Shop
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WWI Trio Victorian Long Service & Good Conduct

-1914-15 Star, 141058 T. Tyack. C.E.R.A.1.R.N. -WWI War Medal,141058 T. Tyack. C.E.R.A.1.R.N. -WWI Victory Medal, 141058 T. Tyack. C.E.R.A.1.R.N. -Royal Naval Long Service & Good Conduct Medal, Thomas Tyack CH.E.R.A. 2CL H.M.S. Hermione With copy service papers and details of H.M.S. Hermione Mounted for display Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , WWII Trio Fox scaled, Bygones Shop
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WWII Trio Scots Guards

-1939-45 Star privately named 269591 Guardsman G.H. Fox Scots Guards -Defence Medal- unnamed as issued -War Medal- unnamed as issued Mounted as worn Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , QSA Stewart 2 scaled, Bygones Shop
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Queen's South Africa Medal 46th Company Imperial Yeomanry

5 clasps- Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 23841 Tpr. T. Stewart 46th Coy. Imp. Yeo. Thomas Stewart was born around 1876 Shankhill, Belfast, County Antrim. He enlisted at Belfast on 28th January 1901, serving until 4th July 1902. Discharged at Elandsontein, South Africa. The 46th Company Imperial Yeomanry was the Belfast 12th Bn. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , WWI Group Stride RM scaled, Bygones Shop

1914 Trio Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service RMLI

-1914 Star with copy slider clasp named CH. 6754 PTE. J. A. STRIDE R.M. BRIGADE -War Medal named CH. 6754 PTE. J. A. STRIDE R.M.L.I. -Victory Medal named CH. 6754 PTE. J. A. STRIDE R.M.L.I. -Royal Fleet Reserve Long Service & Good conduct Medal George V Admiral's uniform named CH. 6754  (B.288) J. A. STRIDE PTE. R.F.R. With copy service details confirming he landed at Ostend and therefore entitled to the clasp on his 1914 Star. His papers show he enlisted 10th October 1888 into the Chatham division Royal Marine Light Infantry. It shows he was born in Handsworth, London in December 1870 and was a 'Porter' on enlistment. He appears to have transferred to the Portsmouth Division before returning to Chatham Division and served on H.M.S. 'Camperdown' and H.M.S. 'Victoria' in the 1890s. At the end of his enlistment period he enrolled in the Royal Fleet Reserve July 1906. Service papers confirm WWI service. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , Afghan Medal Barr scaled, Bygones Shop

Afghanistan 1878 Medal Manchester Regiment

No clasp 729 Pte. Alex Barr 63rd Regiment (Manchester) With a folder of service and family details. Alexander was born in 1844 in Killbarchan, Renfrew, Scotland and enlisted into the 63rd Regiment of foot on 8th January 1862. He stated his occupation to be a Weaver. From 17th August 1864 to 13th August 1865 he served in Canada. He was confined on 25th September 1866 for being drunk on duty and imprisoned until 8th November 1866. He was tried and imprisoned again for being drunk on duty 24th January 1871. His military records state he was attached to the 2nd 18th Foot (Royal Irish) April-June 1871. He then served in the East Indies January 1872 and served during the Afghan War of 1878 and was discharged 17th June 1881. He was married in 1885. Confirmed on the roll as entitled to an Afghan Medal no clasp. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , Highland Light infantry Trio Forret scaled, Bygones Shop

Highland Light Infantry WWI Casualty Trio

2030 Pte. Andrew Forret 10th/11th Bn. Highland Light Infantry -1914-15 Star -War Medal -Victory Medal With copy casualty details. Relevant page from regimental history and copy photos of the Cupar war memorial. Born Leuchars, Fifeshire, enlisted Cupar, Fifeshire. Killed in action 1st August 1917. Commemorated on the Ypres Menin Gate Memorial and at his local memorial site. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , QSA Pair DCLA Thorne 5 scaled, Bygones Shop
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Queens South Africa Pair Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry

-Queens South Africa Clasps Cape Colony, Paardeberg, Driefontein and Johannesburg -Kings South Africa Clasps South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 5521Pte. W.F. Thorne 2nd Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry Mounted for display Copy medal roll clasps confirmed Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , WWI Mercantile Marine Trio Lidgard scaled, Bygones Shop

WWI Royal Naval Reserve Mercantile Marine Trio

-WWI War Medal 5988T-S.F. LIDGARD. D.H. R.N.R -Mercantile Marine War Medal Frank Lidgard -Victory Medal 5988T-S.F. LIDGARD. D.H. R.N.R Frank Mackerill Lidgard Royal Naval Reserve and Mercantile Marine. He was born 21st November 1897 at Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. The 1901 census records the family were living at 36 St Peters Road, Cleethorpes and the 1911 census shows the family living at 99 St Peters Avenue, Cleethorpes. When the First World War broke out in 1914 Frank was 16 years old and it's unclear what his occupation was at the time but probably service within the fishing industry. He enrolled into the Royal Naval Reserve on 30th September 1916, his service number being TS 5988, the TS indicating the trawler section who were responsible for patrolling the coast, estuarys, mine clearance and general inshore and coastal work. on enrolment he was described as being 5ft. 5" in height, blue eyes, fair complexion and gave his occupation as a 'deck-hand'. he began his service in the R.N.R. at H.M.S. Wallington and was detailed for service with the Auxiliary Patrol Service. He subsequently served at H.M.S. Pembroke before being confirmed as a 'deck-hand' on 21st May 1918. It appears he was appointed to H.M.S. Ganges II in April 1918 and was discharged and demobilised on 26th April 1919. His conduct, character and ability was marked as 'satisfactory/very good'. In the Autumn of 1921 he married Lilian Turner and they lived at 43 Fairview Avenue, Cleethorpes. It is not clear what trade Frank pursued after the war. He died aged 55 years on 2nd June 1953. Mounted in a presentation box. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , WWI Pair Jefferies scaled, Bygones Shop
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WWI Trio Rifle Brigade-Discharged Shellshock

WWI Trio Rifle Brigade 1914-15 Trio S-2083 Pte. J. Jefferies Rifle Brigade Frank Jefferies served with the 11th/12th Bn. Rifle Brigade entering active service in France 21st July 1915. He was discharged on 4th April 1917 due to shellshock. Also entitled to the WWI Silver Wound Badge (not included). Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , Punjab Medal 1848 scaled, Bygones Shop
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Punjab Medal 1848-49 Chilianwala and Goojerat Clasps

Punjab Medal 1848-49 Chilianwala and Goojerat Clasps Cpl. C. Parkman 24th Foot 24th Foot (2nd Warwickshire) 694 clasps were issued for the regiment for Goojerat clasp and 1060 for Chilianwala The regiment suffered 524 casualties at Chilianwala. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , Miniatures Terry Devon Regt. 2 scaled, Bygones Shop
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Miniature DSO QSA WWI Devonshire Regiment Group

-Distinguished Service Order GR. -Queen South Africa-Clasps Transvaal, South Africa 1901, South Africa 1902 -1914 Star- Mons bar -War Medal -Victory Medal with MID leaf Mounted on Spink bar for wear Unnamed but contemporary issue and attributed to Lieutenant Colonel C.H.M. Imbert-Terry DSO Devon Regt. With written notes research of his career. Awarded DSO and MID. Copy QSA medal roll and WWI medal index card. Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , WWI Trio Kegney scaled, Bygones Shop
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1914-15 Trio J 37797 E. Kegney AB Royal Navy Condition as shown in photographs
, New Items , Police Special Constabulary Medal Cushing 2 scaled, Bygones Shop
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Police Special Constabulary Medal

George VI Thomas J. Cushing in original box of issue showing service with the Metropolitan Police and Metropolitan Special Constabulary complements slip Condition as shown in photographs